Sunday, November 4, 2018

Kovaikai Varuval 1


Kovaikai varuval:1

Kovaikai -1/4kg [sliced lengthwise]

Tamarind juice -1tsp

Sambar powder -11/2tsp

Hing -1/4tsp

Salt -to taste

Tomato -2


mustard seeds -1/2 tsp

jeera -1/4tsp

split uraddal -1/2tsp

curry leaves -few

oil -11/2tbsp



1] Heat a kadai with oil 11/2tbsp, add mustard,let it splutter,add jeera,split uraddal, curry leaves. Add the cut vegetables,saute for 3 minutes.

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2] Add finely chopped tomato and sambar powder,salt &hing also. Mix well.

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3] Stir well for 3 to 4 minutes, add 1tsp of tamarind juice. Stir well another 2 to 3 minutes.


4] Serve with hot rice,with sambar,rasam &curd

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