Saturday, November 3, 2018

Karunaikilangu Varuval


Karunai kilangu varuval 2

Karunai kilanku -1/4kg

Red chilly powder -3/4tsp

Coriander powder -1/4tsp

Turmeric powder -1/4 tsp

Oil -3tbsp

Salt - as required


Mustard seeds -1/2tsp

Jeera -1/4tsp

Uraddal -3/4tsp

Curry leaves -few

Oil -1tsp



1] Heat oil in a kadai,add the mustard,let it splutter,then add the jeera&split uraddal,curry leaves.Now add the yam.[made into squares of 1cm thickness]

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2] Saute for5 to 7 minutes. Add turmeric powder,redchilly powder,corianderpowder,salt[slow flame] and saute well.

3] Close the kadai with lid,sothat the yam get cooked 5 to 7 minutes. You can roast it for another 2 to 4 minutes for golden roasted fry.

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4]serve withhot rice,rasam,curd rice.


Before closing the kadai with lid,you can add one tsp of tamarindjuice.This will give a tangy taste.

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