- Cashews - 1 cup
- Sugar - 1/2 cup
- Water just enough to dissolve the sugar
- Ghee- 2 tsp
- Cardammom - 3 buds(optional) OR Saffron- 2 strings(optional)
Microwave the cashews for 1 minute on high to dry the moisture in them. Then powder them to a fine consistency.
Note: If microwaving is not possible grind the cashews using short quick pulses. If you do not do either of these, the grinding will make a paste instead of powder.
- 1 cup cashews

Dissolve the sugar and water in a thick bottomed pan and heat until the sugar reaches a one string consistency as shown. For this, keep the heat on high for about two minutes. As soon as the consistency is reached move to the next step. (Its important to be quick)
- 1/2 cup of sugar
- water to dissolve the sugar

Reduce the heat to medium and mix in the cashew powder. Fold the mixture. Add 1 tsp of ghee and keep folding. The last picture shows what the final texture should look like.
- cashew powder from the first step
- sugar syrup with one string consistency
- 1-1.5 tsp of ghee
- 3 buds of cardamom powdered (optional)

Grease a foil with the leftover ghee. Place the dough on a greased foil sheet and press as can be seen in the pictures. Wait to cool.
- 1/2 tsp of ghee

Make a diamond shaped pattern with a knife and serve the delicious kaju barfis as dessert!

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