Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kothumai Rava Payasam


  • Wheat Rava - 1 cup
  • Jaggery - ¾ cup
  • Coconut for seasoning - 20 flakes/ small pieces
  • Coconut for coconut milk - 20 pieces (makes 1 cup of coconut milk)
  • Elaichi - 2 buds (optional)
  • Ghee - 3 tbsp
  • Milk - ½ cup


*Coconut Milk 1 - grind the coconut pieces to obtain coconut milk. Filter. Keep the milk aside. This is Coconut Milk 1.
  • 20 pieces of Coconut

**Coconut Milk 2 - Add a cup of water to the filtered out coconut and grind again. This is Coconut Milk 2.
  • Filtered Coconut from Coconut Milk 1
  • 1 cup Water

***Roasted Coconut-Roast the coconut flakes in ghee till they turn brown.
  • 20 flakes of Coconut
  • 2 tbsp Ghee


Cook the Wheat Rava in a cooker for three whistles. For each cup of wheat rava use 2 cups of water..
  • 1 cup Wheat Rava
  • 2 cups Water

Warm ¼ cup of water and dissolve the jaggery in it. After dissolving the jaggery, filter the liquid to remove any dirt/stone in it. Now boil the filtered liquid for 10 minutes more till you reach 1 string consistency.
  • ¼ cup Water
  • ¾ cup Jaggery

In a bottom heavy pan, mix the boiled Wheat Rava, the Filtered Jaggery liquid and **Coconut Milk 2. Keep it on the stove for about 10 minutes till it thickens.

Pour *Coconut Milk 1 into the vessel just before turning off the stove. (Note: The contents should not be heated after adding *Coconut Milk 1 else the coconut milk will go bad.)

Mix the ***Roasted Coconut and the ghee with the contents in the vessel.

Mix milk/elaichi if needed when serving payasam (optional).
  • 2 Elaichi
  • ½ cup Milk

Our Kothumai Rava Payasam is ready to be served!

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